齒輪箱/重要泵軸承箱之-油氣分離回收器 點擊圖片放大



Hello, my name is Dick Gangnon, and this is the story of JLM Systems, and OILMISERTM Technology.


From the original OILMISERTM FILLorDRAINTM introduced in 1979, to our Off-Line Filtration Kits, to our revolutionary OILMISERTM Sampling Tubes and Gearbox Maintenance Tools, to the OILMISERTM Vapor Guard, to our unique Reservoir Aspirator introduced in 2007, to our Severe Duty Oil Sampling Plugs introduced in 2008, JLM Systems continues to be a leading innovator in World Class products for oil maintenance and machine reliability.


With a solid background in maintenance in the real world, we focused on making it easy for any manufacturer to raise their maintenance program, to a world class maintenance program.

On the pages that follow, we will show you maintenance tools that are simple, reliable, cost effective, and most importantly, tools that can go to work in minutes. For the end user, the independent service provider, and the OEM, profitability begins and ends with keeping the wheels turning.


Experience shows you what dosen't work. More importantly, experience teaches you what does work. OILMISERTM Tecnnology is on the job experience. For a snapshot of 30 years of innovation in oil maintenance Click Here



Mist and Fume Control for Industrial Gearboxes

 The OILMISER™ Vapor Guard (OVG) is designed for rotating, lubricated machinery like gearboxes and bearing housings that are vented to atmosphere.


High working loads, continuous operation, and internal moving parts, will generate oil mist and fumes in the air space inside the gearbox. Rising temperatures and thermal expansion mean that these fumes must exhaust through the air vent, into the workplace. Falling temperatures mean that outside air must re-enter the gearbox through the same air vent.


The most visible signs of this breathing in and out are an oily mixture of dust and dirt that coats the machinery, and a puddle of oil under the air breather that runs down to the floor.


These are the external housekeeping issues. Less obvious, but much more serious, are the mechanical issues. The dirt ingression past a leaking gasket and the reduced life of mechanical seals are the end result of an ineffective, oil saturated air breather, and the internal pressure and vacuum fluctuations it causes.


The OVG traps oil mist and fumes that migrate out of the gearbox, before they foul the air filter. How it Works The OVG has a central diffuser post inside a sealed aluminum containment chamber.


The migrating vapors are dispersed inside the containment chamber where they condense back into liquid oil. The condensate runs down the diffuser post and inside walls of the containment chamber and collects at the bottom. From here, this recovered and uncontaminated lube oil is channeled back into the gearbox through bleed-back holes, where it can continue to do the job of lubrication.


The OVG is offered in two configurations: the standard length OVG-6200 version and the double length OVG 6220 version. The OVG 6220 version has a longer containment chamber giving a longer dwell time for the migrating fumes.


This allows an increased amount of condensate to be removed. There are no moving parts or consumables inside the containment chamber. The complete diffuser post can be easily removed from the OILMISER™ Vapor Guard for inspection, and cleaning, and then reinstalled to continue protecting the gearbox.


Diffuser posts are interchangeable and come with standard male pipe threads, from ½" NPT to 1" NPT.
A variety of other male and female thread configurations are also available.
JLM Systems Ltd.

Richmond, BC Canada
Dick Gangnon, President


Qualified # 1 in Canada, 2010 Manning Innovation Awards 

